Transition from Clinical to Community Living in Developmental Services

Developed in partnership with Participation House Durham.

Who is this for?

This course is recommended for Development Service Professionals (DSPs).


In this course you will learn how to:

  1. Understand the role and duties of a DSP in facilitating transition of a person from a clinical to community setting
  2. Identify and comprehend common clinical terminology used to facilitate transition of care
  3. Become skilled in asking specific and relevant questions to clinicians during discharge planning and conference to prepare for the transition of a client
  4. Identify strategies to bridge communication from clinical to community settings
  5. Monitor for changes in physical and mental status of a client during the beginning of transition and understand where to seek appropriate assistance when needed
  6. Advocate for the client’s care plan during their adjustment into the community setting


By the end of this course you will be able to advocate for and collaborate with a person with dual diagnosis to problem-solve challenges and effectively facilitate the transition from clinical to community settings.

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