Ontario Shores

Related Skills


TALENT and Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences are building a suite of nursing microcredentials to increase the flow of qualified professionals in the healthcare industry. Our partnership will develop 27 microcredentials by 2025 to address the highest demand skills needs in healthcare. TALENT microcredentials are developed for healthcare, by healthcare and offer a skills-focused, verifiable learning experience for the high-demand and emerging skills needed in healthcare.

Skills-Verified course: a big amount of learning in a small amount of time

These microcredentials are registration for Ontario Shores employees only
TALENT has developed three instructional offerings to accommodate your unique learning styles and life commitments.


3 months/self-paced


3 months/self-paced
All features in Self-Paced


6 weeks/8-10 hours per week
All features in Hybrid

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